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Mini Audit – Key Dealer Services


Helping to Keep Your Bottom Line


Mini Audit

This mini audit is designed to identify your problem areas and assist you and your technicians in  correcting problems before they get out of hand.

We will thoroughly critique 100 claims. Then provide you with a written report outlining any problem  areas we have identified.

Some of the common items which we identify are:

Technician’s being paid for work which has no supporting documented and/or not being paid for work which is documented.

Add-on repairs, which do not conform to the current Warranty & Policy requirements.

Non-compliance with Factory Warranty Policy and Procedures. What could be a chargeback and why!

By doing so, we can help your service department to stop a potential audit before it happens.

We become the auditor in critiquing these claims, but we don’t charge you back for anything.

Every dealer could use an extra set of eyes and ears to protect them.This is part of what we do and we do so by the book without any bias.