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Who We Can Help – Key Dealer Services


We Can Help Your Dealership, Regardless of Size

Our experienced team at Key Dealer Services knows first hand that filing warranties isn’t always an easy process – reimbursement of warranty claim administration can present challenges to dealerships of all sizes.  But typically, the issues result from a lack of training, high employee turnover rates, policy interpretation and/or poor documentation.  Needless to say, the results add up — transactions go uncollected, aren’t compliant and/or get delayed in receivables, leading to costly chargebacks.  With more and more consumers using their own, private mechanics for repair work, a considerable amount of a dealership’s profits are obtained via warranty administration and time-efficient processing and it’s increasingly important to get claims right the first time.

The warranty administration process is more than just submitting claims.  With dealerships required to meet increasingly stringent OEM standards, having an experienced team that’s responsible for securing warranty funds while following complex policies is integral part of your bottom line.  If your staff doesn’t include a well-trained and committed warranty administrator, your warranty processing may not be getting adequate attention.  At Key Dealer Services, our experienced representatives will work collaboratively with your own employees in every level of warranty claim administrations.

Large, High Inventory Dealerships

While small dealerships often deal with turbulence related to limited workforce and average-sized dealership traverse issues related to training and retaining personnel adept in warranty administration, larger dealerships – such as automotive groups or multiple franchises have their own, unique challenges.  

These dealerships’ needs require multiple employees to adequately deal with the warranty administration processes.  With more employees designated to warranty administration duties comes a concurrent increase in expenses related to training/education to adapt to changes in OEM standards, salaries and benefits.  While allocating financial resources to training and educating the human resources required for warranty administration is a necessary expense, Key Dealer Services offers relief from the typical financial and time strains related to keeping the operations afloat.  

We’re proud of our experience, expertise and ability to consolidate the warranty process from start to finish – hiring, to training through implementation.  Our knowledgeable administrators can handle your entire process for any and all associated franchises and provide condensed, one-stop operation that allows you to bypass staff hiring, training and the associated perils of inaccurate application.  Allow us to help you reduce costs and focus on what you do best – provide automobiles to customers.

Medium Size, Established Dealerships

Dealerships of all sizes, small, medium and large have unique attributes from inventory to available pool of employees and consequently run into their own issues with warranty administration.  While it’s true that medium or average sized dealerships are typically able to designate one or more specific employees to administer the warranty process, training and even keeping these employees can be difficult.

 It’s not hard for dealerships to fall behind on warranty claim payments or activate high expenses as result of a lack of experience in warranty administration.  With Key Dealer Services at your side, your dealerships can cease allocating additional funds on training and losing employees.  If locating, hiring and training consistent, valuable and knowledgeable warranty administrators is a consistent problem for you dealership, Key Dealer Services has the easy solution.  

Smaller, or Upstart Dealerships

Just like vehicles, dealerships come in all shapes and sizes, and smaller ones may not be big enough to commit a single employee’s entire schedule to the warranty administration process.  Many times at these smaller dealerships, the employee in charge of warranties wears several hats, filling multiple roles and responsibilities.  This naturally makes staying up to date with the latest changes to OEM Policy a considerable challenge for the individual and dealership alike.  This is the exact type of scenario that leads to uncollected warranty dollars, which can quickly add up.  As a dealership owner or manager, it’s important to assess what employee or employees are wearing those multiple hats.  Who is managing the warranty administration process for your dealership? Are they doubling down their efforts in other areas such as labor operations, service advisement or perhaps filling office manager duties?  Not having educated and committed human capital dedicated solely to warranty administration can lead to the kind of costly hang-ups dealerships dread – including claims that are bogged down in receivables or noncompliant with required manufacturer standards.


  • Charlie Hoskins and Key Dealer Services have given my Service Managers and Parts and Service Directors over the last 3 decades the most accurate,reliable,and professional warranty administration assistance that any dealer owner or Fixed Operations Director could ask for.I have been in this industry over 34 years,and would not and will not ever use anyone else but Key Dealer Services for any and all of my dealerships administrations needs.From saving us from the possibilities of potential warranty audits,to finding us the proper and allowable labor operations acceptable by the manufacturers,to keeping us profitable by mandating we follow all procedures there is no better in the field than Key Dealer Services and Charlie Hoskins.Charlie has the best ,well trained and professional customer service representatives I have ever come across.At the end of every day,I feel much safer knowing Key Dealer is handling my dealerships warranty administration.If you need someone to assistance and monitor your warranty trend analysis reports from the manufacturer,,,Charlie Hoskins is the Guru of the industries warranty policies and procedures.I promise there will be no regrets if you allow Key Dealer Services to provide you the service they give my dealerships.

    Michael D. Abrams Corporate Fixed Operations Director- Reagor Dykes Auto Group-Texas